Baking Soda as a Carpet Cleaner

The most common way to clean a carpet, which most people will do, is to use the commercial carpet cleaner products. There are plenty of commercial carpet cleaner products you can buy from the nearest department stores or online, and many of these products can provide you with an effective way to clean any stains on your carpet. Did you know there is a much simpler way to clean your carpet?

Yes, there is a simpler way for you to clean your carpet without having to use any commercial carpet cleaner products, which is by using baking soda. In this guide, you will learn more information about how to use baking soda as a carpet cleaner.

Is It Good?

Many people have been using baking soda as a natural carpet cleaner for years, and the effectiveness of this natural carpet cleaner is spot on. It is a good idea for you to use baking soda to clean various stains on the carpet surface. You can eliminate most stains from your carpet surface by using baking soda powders, and you can always grab it from the kitchen when you need a quick cleaning solution for your carpet.

However, sometimes, you might need to rely on the commercial carpet cleaner products if you find that the stains on your carpet are very difficult to remove. Also, you might need the help of a professional carpet cleaner service at least twice a year if you need to perform a thorough cleaning process on your carpet.

Baking Soda Benefits

Baking soda is not just a regular food ingredient you can often find in the kitchen. You can also use baking soda to clean your carpet, as it has the cleaning properties that can help to speed up the cleaning process for the carpet from various types of stains. Also, it is an affordable cleaning solution you can use as an alternative to the commercial carpet cleaning products.

Here are some baking soda benefits you should know:

  • Carpet deodorizer. You can use baking soda as a carpet deodorizer, which will allow you to deodorize your carpet from foul smells, such as pet urine and other pet stains. It will help remove the foul smell from the carpet and refresh it.
  • Natural carpet cleaner. Baking soda is also a natural carpet cleaning solution, so you don’t need to worry about damaging the colors of the carpet because of the chemical components in it. Compared to the commercial carpet cleaner products that often have some harsh chemical components, baking soda is an excellent alternative natural carpet cleaning solution you can use.
  • Easy application. It is very easy for you to apply the baking soda powders on your carpet. Often, you just need to spread the baking soda around the stained carpet area and vacuum it. It’s so easy for you to use baking soda to clean your carpet.
  • Improve the vacuuming effectiveness. Sometimes, it will be difficult for you to remove certain dirt particles from the carpet using the regular vacuum cleaner. Baking soda can help improve the vacuuming effectiveness on your carpet, allowing you to vacuum the difficult-to-remove dirt particles or pet hair from the carpet.
  • Excellent stain cleaner. Baking soda is also an excellent stain cleaner that you can always rely on every time you need to clean any stains from your carpet. It works for various types of stains, including oily stains, non-oily stains, and pet stains.

How to Use

You can use baking soda to clean your carpet from various types of stains, such as oily stains, non-oily stains, and pet stains. These are the most common stains you will need to deal with from time to time. Depending on your carpet, the stains can go deep into the carpet’s fibers, and it will be more difficult for you to remove the stains the deeper it seeps into the carpet’s fibers. However, with baking soda, you can deal with most of the stains, no matter how bad it looks.

  1. Eliminating Oily Stains

To eliminate oily stains with baking soda, first you have to absorb the oil from the stains using tissue papers. You will need to use the tissue papers a few times until all the oil gets removed from the carpet. After removing the oil, it’s time for you to sprinkle the baking soda throughout the stained areas, ensuring that all the stains get covered. Next, you will need to wait overnight to allow the baking soda to absorb the remaining oil from the carpet.

In the morning, you can vacuum the stained area to clean all the stains from the carpet. However, this is not the end. After vacuuming the area, you will need to sprinkle the baking soda powder again around the stained area and wait for around 3-4 hours to deep-clean the carpet. After that, you will need to vacuum the stained area once again to complete the stain removal process.

  1. Eliminating Non-Oily Stains

Eliminating non-oily stains from the carpet using baking soda is much easier than removing oily stains. First, you need to sprinkle the baking soda on top of the stains and make sure that all stains get covered by the baking soda powder. Next, use a water sprayer to sprinkle the baking soda to keep the stains damp, allowing the baking soda to absorb the stains. Wait for around 3 hours before you can vacuum the area.

Most of the time, you will remove the stains after vacuuming it. However, if you still see some stains left, you can repeat the process until you can get all the stains removed from the carpet.

  1. Dealing with Pet Stains

To deal with pet stains, such as pet urine and poop, you can use the baking soda powder to clean the stains, remove the odor, and refresh your carpet. The process is the same as removing any other stains from the carpet. First, you need to locate the source of the foul pet odor on the carpet. Now, you will need to remove any wastes you can find on the carpet, either by blotting it out (for pet urine) or removing it (for pet poop).

Next, you will need to sprinkle a lot of baking soda powder on the stained area and be sure to cover all areas that have become the source of the foul odor on the carpet. Wait for 2-3 hours to let the baking soda absorb any remaining stains and the foul pet odor. Then, you can vacuum the area to refresh and deodorize the carpet. You can repeat this process a few times as necessary.

Things to Avoid

There are some things you should avoid when using baking soda as a carpet cleaner. The reason is that baking soda can cause certain problems on your carpet, which might be difficult for you to solve later. For instance, when you put too much baking soda powder on the carpet, some powders will seep through the carpet fibers, which will be difficult for you to remove later, even after you vacuum it a few times.

Here are some things to avoid when using baking soda as a carpet cleaner:

  • Using too much baking soda at a time. It’s important for you not to use too much baking soda at a time, as it will only give the chance for the powder to seep through the carpet’s fibers. You might end up having difficulty removing the baking soda powder later. So, use the baking soda only in moderation and only as necessary.
  • Not removing the waste first before using the baking soda. You should remove the waste first before trying to remove the stains on the carpet. For instance, it is important for you to remove the pet urine first before trying to remove the stains and odor from the carpet by using baking soda. It will speed up the cleaning process for the stains on the carpet.
  • Not using a powerful vacuum cleaner. Sometimes, using only a regular vacuum cleaner might not remove all the baking soda powders you have spread on the carpet surface. It’s best for you to use a vacuum cleaner capable of removing small particles from your carpet. This way, you can remove all the baking soda powders after using them as a carpet cleaner.

Alternative Carpet Cleaners

Aside from baking soda, you can also use some alternative carpet cleaners, such as white vinegar and dishwasher soap. These are the alternative homemade carpet cleaners you can rely on to remove various stains from your carpet. So, you can use these natural carpet cleaners as an alternative if you don’t have any baking soda left.

Also, it’s always best to stock some commercial carpet cleaner products at home, so you can handle any stains on your carpet whenever you need it.


You can use baking soda as a carpet cleaner, and it will give you an effective cleaning solution to remove various types of stains, such as oily stains, non-oily stains, and pet stains. It’s also very easy to apply on your carpet, as you will only need to spread it over the stains and vacuum it.

However, it’s also best for you to avoid using too much baking soda, as the small powders can seep into the carpet fabrics and be difficult to remove later. Overall, baking soda is an excellent carpet cleaner you can use as an alternative to the various commercial carpet cleaner products you can find in the market today.

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