Hand Woven Rugs-A Complete Buying Guide

For years, rugs have been a great way to amplify simple and plain houses without spending too much time decorating them. They quickly make any place look more sophisticated and cozy. Many big brands and luxury houses have made a name in the rug business, but handwoven rugs are also gaining immense popularity. They are so much more durable and go with most types of flooring. Because of their premium look and feel, they add an expensive touch to the space without being over the top.

Even though readymade rugs are available in so many different options, they might not fit the taste of everyone. Handmade ones are ideal if you want something premium and sturdy but also looking for something more natural. They are equally as attractive and can be made according to your liking. So, if you are considering getting them, this guide has all the vital details to help you choose the perfect one to add to your home.

Selecting A Weaver

Readymade rugs are usually produced in higher quantities because their demand is very high, and production is significantly easier. They are readily available in most stores, and you can choose one for yourself accordingly. However, picking a handwoven rug is slightly more complicated and time-consuming. Many companies do make handmade ones but can specialize in a particular type of design or weaving technique.

That is why one of the initial steps in buying a handmade rug is finding the right weaver that matches your preferences. Companies usually have in-house weavers that make these rugs by hand, but many skilled individual artists also make these. Where you buy depends on your preference, but it is always ideal to go to a specialist with some experience.

Choosing the desired Yarn and Design

Another important step before making a purchase is to decide the desired yarn and design of the rug one wants to get made. With usual rugs, there are various choices of material and design. But with a handwoven one, it is crucial to specify the necessary details. Before weaving, the weaver will always ask you for these things to make the rug according to your specifications.

Generally, natural materials like wool are used in making these types of rugs. They are easier to weave and also look very premium. They also offer excellent durability and can be dyed in many beautiful colors. Other materials are also used, but these are among the most well-loved ones.

Other than that, these rugs are a great option if you can’t find décor that goes perfectly well with your place. With these, one can choose the right color, design, texture, etc., that will complement their home very well.

Slightly Pricier

Handmade Rugs require a lot of effort and can only be perfectly made by skilled artisans. Because the entire process is longer and requires much effort, the price of such rugs is also slightly higher. But one pays for the quality, and there are many reasonably priced options too that you can also consider. As for how high the rates can go, they can go as high as you want.

Many factors affect the price. For instance, how complicated the design is or how much time the rug takes to be made. Also, the more unique and rare the rug is, the more expensive it will be, just like how some antique handmade rugs are sold for extremely high prices. People also pay according to the years of experience and level of expertise of the artisan. But, even though these rugs are slightly more expensive than machine-made ones, they are still quite reasonably priced because of their excellent quality.

Scope For Personalization

Among the many benefits of these rugs is the scope for better personalization. As stated earlier, before these are made, one provides a detailed specification of how the rug should be. Everything can be made according to the requirement, from the color to the knitting technique. It is usually not the case with readily available rugs because the production is already done, so there is rarely a scope for customization. That is why people who want something unique and niched choose handwoven rugs because they can make them according to what suits the aesthetic of their home the best.

Supporting Individual Artists

Usually, these types of rugs are made by individual artists who are experts at what they do. Many companies also specialize in making them, but they are significantly smaller than other rug companies that make their products with the help of machines. The preciseness in design and the raw feel can easily be felt and cannot be compared with any other rugs. Each weaver has their own way and technique of weaving, and their culture can easily be seen through it.

Also, artists who make rugs by hand spend a lot of time and energy carefully bringing together each thread and turning it into beautiful rugs to adorn your homes. The quality is very premium, and the designs are unique. That’s why it is better to buy handwoven rugs from individual artists who excel in their art.

Benefits Of Hand Woven Rugs

Besides the durability aspect and the rich look and feel of these rugs, they have quite a few other benefits that make them the ideal choice for many people. Here are a few of them:

Natural Feel:

Among the significant reasons reason why people buy these rugs is because of their natural feel. Unlike machine-made rugs, these are woven or knitted by hand. Their feel and finish are also quite different, giving a more laid-back look. So, if you are not a fan of readymade rugs and want something more natural, these are perfect.


Handmade rugs are known for their durability but are also incredibly soft. They don’t go through the rough processing of machines and maintain that cushiony texture. This softness is also because of the use of natural materials. They are very gentle on the skin and make any place appear more cozy and comfortable. Kids have more sensitive skin, but these won’t feel scratchy on them.

Premium Quality:

If you are searching for excellence in quality, these rugs are where you should look. These have a luxurious feel and last a very long time. Many people also often use these as art pieces because they look stunning. They are also toxin-free because harmful dyes and chemicals are not usually used. They are significantly easier to wash because the threads are not as closely knitted.


Unlike readymade rugs that depreciate in quality and price as time passes, handmade rugs’ value tends to appreciate. The precise weaving and highly skilled work done by professionals cannot be easily replicated. Hence, some rare antique rugs can sell for very high prices because they are one of a kind, and the design is hard to copy.


As stated earlier, the main things that will assist you in purchasing the right handwoven rug for your home are deciding on your weaver and the material to use. Research all the different artists and companies and go through their designs. Since everyone specializes in something, see what suits you the best and then pick. Also, you don’t have to pay a massive sum for a good-quality rug. There are a lot of small artists that make premium rugs and charge reasonably.

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